
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:11, 12. Everyone knows that they can get physically sick, but what about spiritually sick? I know some people are mentally unwell with various illnesses but I’m talking about catching something mental after being around negative energy like you would catch something being around someone who was sick with the cold or the flu. That happened to me one time shortly after I was baptized in the Spirit and when into a crystal shop.
I visited this store in Dallas that had psychics, crystals, incense, tarot cards, and other copious occult items that helped people to ward off negative energy, read fortunes, and other psychic fancies. Before I was saved, it never affected me, except in what I thought was a positive way. This time it was different. When I went in this time, I heard a sinister voice in my head repeatedly telling me to “Get Out.” I kept hearing it telling me that and when I left, the Holy Spirit told me that it was a major hang out spot for demons and other dark spirits preying on innocent, ignorant people. I was one of them before God rescued me. Let me be the first to say that most of the people who shop there and work there are not bad people at all. In fact, most of them are the nicest and most helpful people you’ll ever meet. They are just very misinformed about what they’re promoting and getting themselves into. I used to be ignorant to the fact that all of these practices were and are against the will of God.
Before I was saved, I would go in and buy crystals to ward off bad spirits. Little did I know that I was actually welcoming bad spirits to ward off other bad spirits and using occult practices. I used to do horoscopes, astrology, tarot cards and looked up numerous crystals to help me in different ways. God loves every single one of these people and it breaks His heart that they don’t know any better. God would love nothing more than every one to pursue Him and be protected by his light but He is a perfect gentleman and will not force anyone to worship Him or pursue Him if they don’t want to. You would be hard-pressed to find anyone in the United States, especially the state of Texas, who doesn’t know about God. It is up to us to pursue Him.
Anyway, after I left the store, I didn’t start feeling the spiritual sickness until the next day. I woke up in a horrible mood and was unnaturally angry and depressed throughout the day. I was also very anxious and could only find comfort when I focused on God. Otherwise, I was a very unpleasant person to be around the moment I took my eyes off of Him. These horrible emotions lasted a couple of days, like I was sick, but instead of being sick physically, I was sick mentally and spiritually. I had a short temper and everything seemed to set me off. I would also cry over the stupidest things. The Holy Spirit told me it was a side effect of being spiritually awake and that it was best that I refrained from visiting stores like that again. He tried to warn me before, but I’m the kind of person who learns best from personal experience.
Needless to say, I will not be stepping inside stores that offer occult products again. I realize now that anyone who has psychic abilities has the ability to be a prophet. The difference between a prophet and a psychic is one prophesies in the name of God and the other one gets their information from a demon or deceitful spirit. One also requires payment for their services and the other one doesn’t. Also, psychics don’t actually know the future but demons are excellent at predicting how a person will react in the future because they know that both people and history have the tendency to repeat themselves. Only God truly knows the future. “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’” Matthew 7:22. This passage is talking about people who think they are getting their information from God but in fact, never had a relationship with the Holy Spirit and were instead tricked by demons.
This writing was meant to inform and try to save people from making the terrible mistake of thinking that being psychic, using tarot cards or reading horoscopes is okay. It’s not. It’s the occult, which is the opposite of the power of God. For any of you that are offended by what I just said, I’m sorry. I have been into reading my horoscope since I was a little kid and felt the Holy Spirit urging me to tell my story to warn other people not to look into these things that I used to think were fascinating. I’m not trying to change judge anyone that is into this stuff but I am trying to help them as I have first hand experience in dealing with this kind of black magic. Regardless of being a nice psychic or a good witch, all of it is against God. God can heal people, bless people, protect people and give invaluable information to anyone who wants to have a relationship with Him. Not only do you get all of this free of charge, you get an amazing relationship with an amazing God that is a best friend who will never let you down, never lie to you, and never leave you. Step into the light and out of the darkness! “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” III John 1:2.